It takes great effort and sometimes sacrifices to find out what the heart truly desires, perhaps even a lifetime, if one is blessed to actually seek it. My journey so far only makes known what my heart doesn’t want, and I’m thankful for that. I …
Inside Out
It turns out that breaking myself down into pieces is the first step to beginning a new life. I had broken down many times in the past, but a new life requires thinking differently to avoid building the old self again. You are what you …
Change of Path
“I’ve let my thoughts run their course, but they led me nowhere. Now I’m going to control those thoughts, so I can get somewhere.” – me At last, for the first time in my whole life, I started smelling the roses and appreciating the beauty …
Choose to Heal
I have finally decided to heal myself. Perhaps a better way to put it would be to allow me to heal. Start where I am, with what I have, and do what I can. I feel the gratitude and treasure inside of me eager to …